Online: 2013-06-23 (5 D)
Monitored: 4 Days
Last Paid:

Light-Balance Program Description
Welcome to Light-Balance!
Project combines three main components that help to achieve maximum efficiency and balance:
- Beneficial interest (up to 150% per day) and thought-limits (maximum contribution - $ 100) for deposits enable the project to show its full potential. It should also clarify that the limits will not go up in the future, so a few large deposits will not cause any threat to the project.
-The two-level referral system (7% - on first level and 3 - on the second) provides a decent profit, even those who make refunds referral commission to its members (RCB).
-Also, the commission of 10% reduces the load on the project, and is a good incentive for reinvestments (with repeated deposits with the balance fee of 0%)
To create a pleasant environment for investment, we are fully secured project from powerful DDoS-attacks, protect your personal data via https connection, and now you can make money as safely and comfortably.
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