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Top Insurance Programs

🥇Arbinode Limited
🥈Niolic Limited
🥈Fx Pips Hunter
🥉Selwix Crypto

Top Deposited Last 10 Days

🔥 7StarWeek $1500
🥇 Cyfer Network $1285
🥈 NewBond $760
🥈 Goldenprice $497
🥈 Selwix Crypto $469
🥈 Moeving Rental Cars $425
🥉 Capitalized5 $400
🥉 $375
🥉 Arbinode Limited $350
🥉 Coinget Investment Limited $265
🥉 DividendGrowth.Online $250
🥉 Mauna Fund $210
🥉 Lexx $200
🥉 Trongy $200
🥉 Smartprofit Ltd $180
🥉 $160
🥉 Trustify $100
🥉 LuxIoProfit $100
🥉 Lisglo $100
🥉 Niolic Limited $31


Latest Votes

Capitalized5 2024-12-07
PAYMENT Capitalized5 Date: 2024-12-07 07:36:30 (UTC+1) Payment system: TRON From: TUyjiAaPvWu96xB8mUPG18QA6J73txZ6u5b To: TELGeNyeg1e3B2PnBaPtFpaNvxjov24*** Amount: TRON 15.288182 / $5 TXHASH ef23eb47da20073ad5de867061124458353267e9b8ee3f91ac75e04c7978fbff Thanks Admin. Great job.
Cyfer Network 2024-12-07
💥🏆Быстренький очередной прилёт! 2024-12-07 05:27:30 (UTC) + 62.3 TRX transaction/26957f9a6b6ca468733fd4c532a4fb6e21477ee9cf7a7e3f61106eb0a277da52 INSTANT PAYMENT MoevingRent From E058748 to E029*** Transaction ID: 2646685 Date of transaction: 07.12.2024 04:40 Amount: 9 USD Note: Withdraw to jojo**** from Mo[ev]ing Rental Cars Thanks Admin. +++++++++++++++++++
PlanetaryAsset 2024-12-06
Wallet : EpayCore Transaction ID: 2644934 Date of transaction: 05.12.2024 10:22 Amount: 0.54 USD Note: Withdraw to HyipHuntCom from Planetaryaasset
NewBond 2024-12-06
Wallet : EpayCore Transaction ID: 2644915 Date of transaction: 05.12.2024 10:21 Amount: 0.9 USD Note: Withdraw to HyipHuntCom from NewBond
Fx Pips Hunter 2024-12-06
Wallet : EpayCore Transaction ID: 2644875 Date of transaction: 05.12.2024 10:09 Amount: 1.05 USD Note: Withdraw to HyipHuntCom from FxpipsHunter Wallet : EpayCore Transaction ID: 2644764 Date of transaction: 05.12.2024 06:40 Amount: 1.3 USD Note: Withdraw to HyipHuntCom from Dividend Growth Ltd
Selwix Crypto 2024-12-06
Wallet : EpayCore Transaction ID: 2644304 Date of transaction: 04.12.2024 15:59 Amount: 3 USD Note: Withdraw to HyipHuntCom from selwix Wallet : EpayCore Transaction ID: 2643730 Date of transaction: 04.12.2024 06:23 Amount: 1.25 USD Note: Withdraw to HyipHuntCom from Coinget
Mauna Fund 2024-12-06
DAILY PAYMENT Greetings ****, Your withdraw request has been successfully processed: Withdraw amount: $4.98 (per the Litecoin/USD rate at received time) To Litecoin address: *****3wSZxJkD589YdbS7tDxsp6vF6d5T TX ID #: 3fe8715bf7e3a8f09109a55caa6f5e639b56d3d1e0db6e56d7f7b5ca0b7ea20b Thanks Admin 2024-12-06
Goldenprice 2024-12-06
Date and time Today at 10:35 Top-up + 3.1 USD Completed Payment system ePayCore E053644 Batch 26459 Comment Withdraw to zizzoprofit from goldenprice 2024-12-05***
7StarWeek 2024-12-05
🟢💰 7STARWEEK💰🟢 Paying !! My PROFIT: ROI 114.7% 🎉COMPLIMENTI A CHI MI HA SEGUITO ANCHE QUI DALL'INIZIO: SIAMO TUTTI IN PROFITTO !! 🎉 Nuovo Prelievo PUntuale: Hi Maxidvd, $5.00 has been successfully sent to your Tether Trc20 account Transaction batch is: 58b7720deaba7840608bc23e18370f0ee328ba018e99b5052b9391d462b2964c
Niolic Limited 2024-12-05
Funds have been credited to your balance Date of transaction: 05.12.2024 12:14 Amount 10.5 USD Note:Best regards,Payment
Niolic Limited 2024-12-05
Payment received from niolic Funds have been credited to your balance Date of transaction: 5.12.2024 8:57 Amount 12 USD Note:Best regards,Payment
Niolic Limited 2024-12-05
It's exciting to be part of something so innovative. Funds have been credited to your balance Date of transaction: 05.12.2024 6:12 Amount 14.8 USD Note:Best regards,Payment
Cyfer Network 2024-12-05
💥🏆2024-12-05 08:28:45 (UTC) + 79.87 TRX transaction/33bed1c04ae50ee4070cf3ec7656146a33c6095ddad9d595b349968136050474
LuxIoProfit 2024-12-05
$20.00 has been successfully sent to your Tether TRC20 account TUt4AydjMfoz4bG3uvyTZNyDN3Jg34Zbot. Transaction batch is dfe7dca1ed86b79a97342552a897586a8380491d020bfe4c3bcdb91a28d4bd25. pending withdraw, not invest

Latest Hyips

3.3% - 3.6% - 3.9% daily Forever
0.3%- 1% Daily for 700 Business days, 1.6%- 2% daily for 70 Calendar days
2% - 5% daily for 21 Calendar Days (Principal Return At the end) 102% - 106% after 24 Hours

Latest Payout

Niolic Limited $16.12
LincoLead $2.00
Trongy $9.37
Capitalized5 $7.00
Wfg1 $0.77
King Hectares $3.80
Mauna Fund $13.81 $1.20
Goldenprice $1.00
OpenBTC $12.00
Arbinode Limited $32.82
Lisglo $4.00
Cyfer Network $1.00
Tradecron AI $29.06
Moeving Rental Cars $9.00

Top ROI Programs

Top Lifetime Programs

LuxIoProfit 2037 days
Arbill 1697 days
Crypto Harvest 1085 days
SwaiaFx 966 days
DividendGrowth.Online 914 days
PlanetaryAsset 700 days 404 days
Capitalized5 380 days
NewBond 372 days
OpenBTC 356 days
Goldenprice 343 days
Optimizer Profit 260 days
Arbinode Limited 202 days
Wfg1 201 days
Selwix Crypto 171 days
Fincentre Limited 121 days
LincoLead 97 days
Trongy 96 days
Trustify 83 days
Fx Pips Hunter 80 days

Latest Scams

Rich Net Global
Hemiter Asset Management
Billted Inv

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Latest News

Dear OrexBit Investors, We are happy to inform you that our platform has added a new payment method on our payment processing. Which is well known popular (EpayCore). We always work to improve our payment system for our investors convenience. Thanks for stay with OrexBit Finance Limited. Hello Dear investors and visitors Royal Stability Ltd! We are gladly reporting that, by numerous customer requests, the following payment tools added! Ethereum Classic, Zcash, Monero, Ripple, BNB, BNB.BSC, BNB.ERC20, BUSD.ERC20, BUSD.BEP2, BUSD.BEP20, Bitcoin Cash. And also we added a special function, now you can receive special notifications only when the transaction occurs. Royal Stability Ltd just forward!

Top Investors This Month

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🥉zavhozz $150
🥉lifeisdifficultmaze $125
🥉phamvanthe8888 $100
🥉rava $100
🥉shuhrat_9779 $100
🥉sofista $80
🥉traktorist78 $71
🥉rucker $60
🥉kiraav $50

Top Investors Last Month

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🥉rusalka $1031
🥉arman411808 $1000
🥉futurebusiness $990
🥉qingshuizhuyu $930
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🥉ncs $800

Top Investors last Week

🔥anevskiy $815
🥇grek8310 $730
🥈sament $500
🥈tolan766 $250
🥈informan01 $202
🥈stolz $200
🥉giovanniinf315 $200
🥉joainv $200
🥉bantruder $174
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🥉denis $100
🥉sheng $97
🥉traktorist78 $83

Top Investors This Month

🔥yesgetpaid $1350
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🥈immune $250
🥉olsa $250
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🥉zavhozz $150
🥉lifeisdifficultmaze $125
🥉rava $100
🥉sament $100
🥉shuhrat_9779 $100
🥉phamvanthe8888 $100
🥉traktorist78 $71
🥉rucker $60
🥉sofista $60
🥉kiraav $50
🥉mohamed244 $50
🥉shahnoz $50
🥉giovanniinf315 $30
🥉alekstester $30
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🥉moto3 $25
🥉richbitch $25
🥉zizzoprofit $25
🥉daewoohh $20
🥉dfs17 $11

Top Investors This Quarter

🔥losive $209133
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🥈rucker $155327
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🥉summer $68939
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🥉mrtacos $47222
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🥉kuzya $39959
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Top Investors This Year

🔥komissar $61038
🥇rucker $60418
🥈sament $56809
🥈murlokot $36597
🥈rawraw $31230
🥈ssava $30627
🥉tolan766 $30140
🥉anevskiy $29400
🥉tepmoshop $28703
🥉kacemtrans $26820
🥉grek8310 $26071
🥉jekich $24600
🥉ttarrass $24417
🥉kent $23348
🥉moneymaker $22723
🥉kuzya $20136
🥉katrine $20000
🥉traktorist78 $19990
🥉arman411808 $18551
🥉herbert $18349
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🥉cometa $16151
🥉ccil71 $15958
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🥉futurebusiness $6640
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🥉livewell $6413

Payment Systems

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