Online: 2014-04-10 (5 D)
Monitored: 3 Days
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KeyUnion Program Description
Key Union is focused on investments in real estate, stocks, futures, commodities, forex, binary options with professional management and support team. Key Union believes that assets, due to their varying levels of risk and return, tend to behave differently in different market conditions, and that investments in a properly allocated portfolio should not all move in the same direction. Therefore, Key Union utilizes active asset allocation to manage client portfolios. Asset allocation is a portfolio management approach that attempts to balance risk and reward by apportioning a portfolio's assets among asset classes with varying levels of correlation. Portfolios are allocated according to individual goals, investing time horizon, and risk tolerance. Over the long term, asset allocation aims to maximize returns while minimizing risk. Whether you are an active trader, serious investor, or just getting started, Key Union is ready to serve you. We offer a wide range of products and services, powerful tools and research to help you achieve your goals. Open an account today and you'll be on your way to growing your investments.
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