Online: 2013-07-02 (7 D)
Monitored: 7 Days
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IncomeTech Program Description
The technology sector is an inescapably huge investment opportunity for both corporate America and Wall Street. It is the largest single segment of the market, eclipsing all others (including the financial sector and the industrials sector). More than anything, technology companies are associated with innovation and invention.
Investors can take some encouragement that research and diligence pay off in the tech sector. Understanding a company's products (especially their advantages and disadvantages) and those of its rivals can produce an investable edge. Clearly, this is a sector where the details matter.
Many investors stay well clear of the entire space and regard it as impenetrable and irrational. Given the pervasiveness of technology, however, this is a significantly self-limiting view that cuts off one of the most dynamic and powerful engines to modern economies. A better compromise, then, might be to simply invest the time in careful research and self-education and use those insights to invest where the theses and valuations make sense.
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