Online: 2013-05-19 (12 D)
Monitored: 8 Days
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Dubai-Investbank Program Description
Today's retirees had this drummed into their minds long ago. It is, after all, a laudable goal, and something every retiree and person approaching retirement should aspire to. But how in the heck are we supposed to do it? A friend recently told me he rolled over a five-year CD paying 1.2% because his banker said it was a good rate. Ah! I nearly fell out of my chair when I heard that. A 1.2% interest rate won't even keep up with inflation, let alone allow someone to live off the interest. He may think he's investing conservatively by keeping his money in FDIC-insured CDs, but his buying power is quickly slipping through his fingers.
So, what interest rate does it take? About 12%, that's all. According to over 3,000 readers of my regular weekly column, our cost of living has risen about 8% in the last year. If that number is anywhere close to accurate ,and I'm inclined to believe it is ,our portfolios need to earn 50%-80% monthly to cover need
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