• Mao Global - Referral Commission Back details (Exclusive group)

BelizeMao Global
Our Investment: $500
Minimal Spend: $10
Min Withdraw: $100 BTC, $50 ETH, $10 LTC/BCH/DASH/SOL/BNB/XRP/TON, $5 DOGE, 100 USDT TRC20, $1 TRX/USDT BEP2O
Referral: 3 Levels: 5% - 2% - 1% (Up to 7% – 4% – 2% – 1% – 0.5%) + Rank Bonus up to $525
Online: 2025-02-12 (8 D)
Monitored: 8 Days
Last Paid: 7 hours ago
Our Rating:
| ISP || ahr | ahm | hyipbiz | Allhyipdata | WatchHyipMonitors| | Advanced HYIP Statistics| Review, Technical Analysis, RCBs and more at|
BitCoin Ripple Solana Ethereum LiteCoin BitCoinCash DASH Polygon Dogecoin USDT(TRC-20) USDT(BEP-20) USDT(ERC-20) USDT TON BUSD USDC TON MATIC EpayCore Tron BNB DDOSProtect SSL UniqueScript
Investment Plans: 2% daily for 1 month, 2.2% daily for 3 month, 2.4% daily for 6 month, 2.6% daily for 9 month, 2.8% daily for 1 year | 66% for 1 Month, 72% monthly for 3 Months, 78% Monthly for 6 Months, 84% Monthly for 9 Months, 90% Monthly for 1 Year | 75% after 1 Month, 243% after 3 Months, 522% after 6 Months, 864% after 9 Months, 1260% after 1 Year (Principal return at term end)
Does this project offer referral commsision from account balance deposit ? NO

Rcb rates

Deposit Between Ref Bonus First Investment Reinvestment
Referral Commission Back Referral Commission Back
$10 - 19 5% 100% + $0.88 (member+ $0.02) 100% (member+ $0.1)
$20 - 29 5% 100% + $1.28 (member+ $0.02) 100% (member+ $0.2)
$30 - 39 5% 100% + $1.78 (member+ $0.02) 100% (member+ $0.2)
$40 - 49 5% 100% + $2.58 (member+ $0.02) 100% (member+ $0.3)
$50 - 59 5% 100% + $3.28 (member+ $0.02) 100% (member+ $0.4)
$60 - 69 5% 100% + $3.98 (member+ $0.02) 100% (member+ $0.4)
$70 - 79 5% 100% + $4.78 (member+ $0.02) 100% (member+ $0.5)
$80 - 89 5% 100% + $5.89 (member+ $0.02) 100% (member+ $0.6)
$90 - 99 5% 100% + $6.78 (member+ $0.02) 100% (member+ $0.7)
$100 - 199 5% 100% + $8.88 (member+ $0.02) 100% (member+ $0.8)
$200 - 299 5% 100% + $10 (member+ $0.02) 100% (member+ $1)
$300 - 399 5% 100% + $12 (member+ $0.02) 100% (member+ $2)
$400 - 499 5% 100% + $14 (member+ $0.02) 100% (member+ $3)
$500 - 599 5% 100% + $17 (member+ $0.02) 100% (member+ $3)
$600 - 699 5% 100% + $20 (member+ $0.02) 100% (member+ $4)
$700 - 799 5% 100% + $23 (member+ $0.02) 100% (member+ $5)
$800 - 899 5% 100% + $26 (member+ $0.02) 100% (member+ $5)
$900 - 999 5% 100% + $29 (member+ $0.02) 100% (member+ $6)
$1000 - 1999 5% 100% + $35 (member+ $0.02) 100% (member+ $7)
$2000 - 10000 5% 100% + $50 (member+ $0.02) 100% (member+ $8)

Note: Please fill your email into the username field when you request the RCB !!

Request RCB

We suggest you Log in into our site before request ref back. All registered members will receive some additional bonus. Moreover, every month top 50 investors will receive $8 - $200 extra income from us !!
First investor bonuses for deposits from $30: 1st - $2, 2nd - $1.5, 3th - $1, 4th - $0.75, 5th - $0.5
1.Applied only for first RCB request from one user.
2. Only for Medium or higher listing project .
Happy weekend RCB multipliers: First deposit RCB: x 1.15, Reinvest RCB: x 1.05
1. Applied only on Saturday and Sunday base on our server time .
2.Only for Medium or higher listing project.
💼 You should create deposit via ePayCore and request RCB to ePayCore - you will receive an extra bonus of 5% 👍
💰 You can register ePayCore Wallet by link ePayCore
👉 You can find all projects which supported ePayCore deposits by this Link
Choose E-Currency:

(EpayCore extra 5% bonus)

Your Hyip User Name: *
Your Program Email *
Deposit Amount: *
E-Currency Account: *
We do NOT offer ref back for BitCoin deposit if the ref back amount is less than 30 USD cause the transaction fees are too high. In such a case, you may request ref back via PerfectMoney, ePayCore or USDT TRC20.

You will receive:

Cash Back For Our Followers !

Please read our RCB rules before you submit ref back request !!!

Note: We do offer ONLY 100% referral commission back to Hyip Monitor, HYIP Lister, Hyip Blogger , HYIP Promoter, HYIP Representative or other hyip related owners. DO NOT use such username(s) if you want to get a ref back from us.

Pease write in capitals of the letter "U" or "P" when you submit RCB request, eg. you should fill "U1234567" or "P1234567" instead of "u1234567" or "p1234567", Otherwise,our mass pay script can not pay you directly .

1. All of the RCB offers are floating,we have the right to change/disable RCB option for any project at any time! Please Do NOT create multiple accounts under us! We DO NOT allow multiple registrations under us !!! Multiple accounts will be suspended when you request ref back, do NOT complain to us the account(s) from your spouse/relative/classmate/colleague/group friends,netizens,etc,such excuses are all regarded as cheaters and not allowed! If you create more than one account, we will reject Ref back requests for your subsequent accounts !!

2. Please note if you invested from account internal balance,there will be no commission credit to our account,and therefore DO NOT submit RCB request if you made a deposit in such way. If our account did not credit referral commission from your investment, we can NOT pay referral commission back to you, you MUST contact the relevant project admin about this issue by yourself --- This is not our duty and responsibility !!!

3. Please DO NOT intend to deceive us,any fake RCB Request found to be cheating will be removed immediately without warning !! If we found any project admin/owner cheating RCB, your project RCB option will be DISABLED forever !!

4. You should request ref back through the same payment method as previously you used to deposit into the project . When you request ref back the Email address must be the same as you registered with the project !!! --- Because there are lots of cheaters who cheat RCB, we have to verify & check each RCB request carefully ! You must submit an RCB for each of your investments separately, and it is not allowed to combine multiple investments to submit a single RCB !!

5. We can NOT pay your referral commission back if your deposit was not credited (There could be multiple reasons, the site was under ddos-atatck, or their script bug, etc.); we can NOT pay your referral commission back if the admin(s) have NOT paid our withdrawal requests of the commission earnings ; We Do NOT offer referral commission back if your deposit was made more than 24 hours ago !!! There are lots of cheaters/imposters who pretend to be real investors and request RCB, so we suggest you request your RCB immediately after you make a deposit !!

6. As you all know Coins price is fluctuant every second. We pay all coins ( BTC , LTC , ETH and so on) investment RCB and Coins' investments' compensation base on USD --- Please convert your BTC / LTC/ ETH investment to USD amount according the time of the BTC/LTC/ETH price when you made deposit . When Coins price slumped , we have to bear the loss ourselves ; When Coins price soared , investors may suffer some loss . So we must ignore the fluctuation of Coin market price . We do NOT offer ref back for BitCoin deposit if the ref back amount is less than 30 USD cause the transaction fees are too high.

7. Lastly,if your RCB request was removed without notice, that means there was no referral commissiom from your deposit or you're not our referral or you created more than 1 account under us !!! Please contact the relevant project admin about this matter if you have any more doubts !
If your RCB request was rejected or deleted, you'd better contact us within 72 Hours, we will not wait until the deadline. If you do not contact us within 72 hours, we are not responsible for such disputes.

Rcb records

Total Referral deposit: $1492, Total RCB: $185.17

RCB count20 RCB deposits$1492 Max deposit$201 Average deposit$74.6
Referrals20 RCB paid amount$185.17 Max RCB$23.66 Average daily deposit$186.5
Request Date From Hyip Username Deposit / RCB E-Currency Status
2025-02-20 05:07:17 Vietnam f7*** $10 / $1.4 BUSDT 0x6*** paid
2025-02-19 13:13:56 Vietnam ch*** $10 / $1.4 BUSDT 0x6*** suspended
2025-02-19 12:53:04 Hong Kong 48*** $101 / $13.93 LiteCoin LT9*** paid
2025-02-18 15:23:51 Ukraine ku*** $100 / $13.9 BUSDT 0xf*** paid
2025-02-16 21:43:17 Spain al*** $40 / $5.29 USDT TBH*** paid
2025-02-16 14:40:07 Portugal pc*** $201 / $23.66 EpayCore E00*** paid
2025-02-16 09:04:46 Italy mo*** $25 / $3 EpayCore E02*** paid
2025-02-16 07:09:42 Russian Federation sh*** $50 / $6.67 BUSDT 0xB*** paid
2025-02-16 02:08:12 Canada sg*** $100 / $13.57 BUSDT 0xe*** paid
2025-02-14 14:27:13 Egypt ma*** $100 / $11.8 USDT TNK*** paid
2025-02-13 20:02:35 Netherlands vo*** $25 / $2.55 Tron TYF*** paid
2025-02-13 16:08:03 Ireland tr*** $100 / $11.8 BUSDT 0x0*** paid
2025-02-13 15:52:44 Argentina bl*** $100 / $11.8 Tron TJN*** paid
2025-02-13 03:19:45 Hong Kong ro*** $100 / $11.8 BUSDT 0xA*** paid
2025-02-13 03:07:24 Vietnam hu*** $30 / $3 BUSDT 0x4*** paid
2025-02-13 01:35:59 China da*** $100 / $12.55 EpayCore E02*** paid
2025-02-13 01:22:22 Japan 83*** $100 / $12.8 EpayCore E01*** paid
2025-02-12 22:22:03 Hong Kong mu*** $50 / $5.93 EpayCore E01*** paid
2025-02-12 15:41:37 Vietnam ja*** $10 / $1.4 BUSDT 0x8*** paid
2025-02-12 14:55:23 France ve*** $50 / $6.3 BUSDT 0xa*** paid
2025-02-12 13:16:19 Spain bo*** $100 / $12.02 BUSDT 0xb*** paid

Top Insurance Programs

🔥Mao Global
🥈Selwix Crypto

Top Deposited Last 10 Days

🔥 Cyfer Network $2330
🥇 Mao Global $1492
🥈 XODOAI $1359
🥈 Selwix Crypto $1095
🥈 WayNexes $310
🥈 Mauna Fund $220
🥉 FLIP X $150
🥉 DividendGrowth.Online $100
🥉 TITAN $80
🥉 Financely Ltd $70
🥉 Invest-Fond.Net $70
🥉 Goldenprice $50
🥉 Krispera $50
🥉 Pure3.Cloud $20


Latest Votes

Cyfer Network 2025-02-21
Scam No withdraw
Mao Global 2025-02-20
Feb 19, 2025 22:32:52 Withdrawal Funds 1.00 USD Completed Internal number Exchange rate Payment system Exchange rate #23153 1.00000000 USDT.BEP20 Tether USDT.BEP20 0x3de689490bd40724a7d437a913d0cb3269c942f80b32d035aa6f055d***
Cyfer Network 2025-02-20
There has been no payment on Cyfer since yesterday!
WayNexes 2025-02-20
Waynexes Платит! На ваш баланс зачислены средства. ID операции: 2717390 Дата операции: 20.02.2025 09:06 Сумма: 0.13 USD
Selwix Crypto 2025-02-19
+4.5 USDT
Cyfer Network 2025-02-19
💥🏆2025-02-19 05:45:33 (UTC) + 76.734 TRX transaction/0585bfc90faddf63966847c1190e6157ce0c9c0e112f744cd1e4d8371814df12
XODOAI 2025-02-19
XODOAI 2025-02-18
Got paid!!!
Cyfer Network 2025-02-18
+11.7 TRX 8260fcc9e550ea1fa19c4a6d08d18e46f57abb444025bf6b4b986ada7cd47574
Cryptofoxon 2025-02-18
Funds have been credited to your balance. Transaction ID: 2716498 Date of transaction: 18.02.2025 14:07 Amount: 0.2 USD Note: Withdraw to Laila from
XODOAI 2025-02-18
RCB for XODOAI of $5 has been successfully sent to your BUSDT wallet 0x6b7----------02283E468037. Transaction ID: 0xd7------------551c68f96 Projekt is paing. Very good.
TITAN 2025-02-18
ID операции: 2716154 Дата операции: 18.02.2025 08:48 Сумма: 1 USD Примечание: Payout from
Cryptofoxon 2025-02-18
Уважаемый Дмитрий (Оравахо) Мы успешно получили ваш депозит в размере 15,00 ePayCore под 1% в день на 14 дней (возврат капитала). Ваш счет: E020558 Партия: 2716116 Соединение: 0%. Спасибо.
Cyfer Network 2025-02-18
💥🏆2025-02-18 05:24:39 (UTC) + 76.734 TRX transaction/3d18ab1de0762701e73e16683a3ba3557f36a8267cb1815fa5db6e9e98ceb869
Selwix Crypto 2025-02-17
Paying! Great Program! Thanks Admin. Transaction ID: 2715719 Date of transaction: 17.02.2025 13:10 Payment system: ePayCore E055792 Amount: 1.03 USD Note: Invoice #502150, edpr2140
Goldenprice 2025-02-17
Status Completed Date 2025-02-17 10:37 Coin TRX Deposit amount 41.891617 Network TRX Address TxID 571682...361b Deposit wallet Spot Wallet
Cryptofoxon 2025-02-16
Thanks payment received always on time Funds have been credited to your balance. Transaction ID: 2918790 Date of transaction: 16.02.2025 1:49 Amount: 1.7 USD Note: Withdraw from
Cyfer Network 2025-02-16
Админ вернул пролетевшую мимо кошелька выплату на баланс. Следом сделал вывод. Всё ОК. Проект платит!!! 💥🏆2025-02-16 19:36:09 (UTC) + 76.734 TRX transaction/d3721c16c6cad8dec618c8f9747798767e198e9ab789ff6a95d6de11c65e0cff
Cryptofoxon 2025-02-16
Funds have been credited to your balance. Transaction ID: 2715220 Date of transaction: 16.02.2025 19:42 Amount: 0.2 USD Note: Withdraw from
Cyfer Network 2025-02-16
+11.7 TRX e05d7abe75fb78b32b52c3721b3fac73cf3cb24099e7a5c9fc375d600a44da80

Latest Hyips

0.48% Daily 30 Days(Principal Return)
1%-1.5% daily up to 200%
5% daily for 5 Days, 10% daily for 4 Days, 15% after 24 Hours (Principal Return)
0.45% daily for 20 Days / 0.55% daily for 50 Days (Principal Back)
3% Daily for 18 days, 4% Daily for 15 days, 6% Daily for 12 days, 8% Daily for 10 days, 10% Daily for 8 days

Latest Payout

Mauna Fund $21.30
XODOAI $11.95
TITAN $9.50
Fincentre Limited $1.10
Mao Global $19.46
Pure3.Cloud $7.00
Amazing Empire $1.75
XODOAI $9.00
Krispera $12.00
Multy Investment $5.00
Invest-Fond.Net $10.00
Mao Global $19.55
Selwix Crypto $14.82
Pure3.Cloud $8.60
Goldenprice $1.00

Top ROI Programs

Top Lifetime Programs

LuxIoProfit 2113 days
Arbill 1773 days
Crypto Harvest 1161 days
SwaiaFx 1042 days
DividendGrowth.Online 990 days
Capitalized5 456 days
Goldenprice 419 days
Optimizer Profit 336 days
Wfg1 277 days
Selwix Crypto 247 days
Fincentre Limited 197 days
Cyfer Network 139 days
Amazing Empire 109 days
King Hectares 106 days
Multy Investment 99 days
Mauna Fund 90 days
Financely Ltd 62 days
Invest-Fond.Net 52 days
Pure3.Cloud 51 days
TITAN 39 days

Latest Scams

Tactful Trade
CX Global
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Recent Tweets Posts

Latest News

Dear OrexBit Investors, We are happy to inform you that our platform has added a new payment method on our payment processing. Which is well known popular (EpayCore). We always work to improve our payment system for our investors convenience. Thanks for stay with OrexBit Finance Limited. Hello Dear investors and visitors Royal Stability Ltd! We are gladly reporting that, by numerous customer requests, the following payment tools added! Ethereum Classic, Zcash, Monero, Ripple, BNB, BNB.BSC, BNB.ERC20, BUSD.ERC20, BUSD.BEP2, BUSD.BEP20, Bitcoin Cash. And also we added a special function, now you can receive special notifications only when the transaction occurs. Royal Stability Ltd just forward!

Top Investors This Month

🔥sament $3758
🥇rucker $1434
🥈tepmoshop $1409
🥈moneymaker $1211
🥈grek8310 $945
🥈great $523
🥉kent $512
🥉lifeisdifficultmaze $453
🥉cryptocafe $425
🥉anevskiy $417
🥉ttarrass $366
🥉herbert $360
🥉traktorist78 $347
🥉master $310
🥉gyergyaiz $300
🥉rusalka $292
🥉cometa $282
🥉informan01 $240
🥉alekstester $218
🥉zavhozz $200

Top Investors Last Month

🔥sament $4299
🥇tepmoshop $3390
🥈rucker $3223
🥈anevskiy $2020
🥈ttarrass $1839
🥈moneymaker $1761
🥉grek8310 $1697
🥉mmuert $1450
🥉ncs $1400
🥉cometa $1190
🥉baupaid $1098
🥉immune $1000
🥉bodi $933
🥉ssava $830
🥉cryptocafe $775
🥉lifeisdifficultmaze $714
🥉mikee $700
🥉ternakoin $700
🥉herbert $645
🥉robka $607

Top Investors last Week

🔥sament $3101
🥇moneymaker $780
🥈informan01 $240
🥈grek8310 $235
🥈herbert $230
🥈alekstester $218
🥉galyte $181
🥉arman411808 $180
🥉rucker $170
🥉ttarrass $166
🥉kijun10kan $150
🥉bombeails $150
🥉rusalka $150
🥉zavhozz $150
🥉danay7674 $130
🥉vera $130
🥉robka $123
🥉markino $110
🥉cryptohyip $100
🥉grafiti $100

Top Investors This Month

🔥sament $3758
🥇rucker $1434
🥈tepmoshop $1409
🥈moneymaker $1211
🥈grek8310 $945
🥈great $523
🥉kent $512
🥉lifeisdifficultmaze $453
🥉cryptocafe $425
🥉anevskiy $417
🥉ttarrass $366
🥉herbert $360
🥉traktorist78 $347
🥉master $310
🥉gyergyaiz $300
🥉rusalka $292
🥉cometa $282
🥉informan01 $240
🥉alekstester $218
🥉zavhozz $200
🥉kuzya $183
🥉galyte $181
🥉vera $180
🥉arman411808 $180
🥉tuyorfaty $170
🥉danay7674 $165
🥉moto3 $155
🥉bombeails $150
🥉ternakoin $150
🥉kijun10kan $150
🥉robka $147
🥉lara2016 $140
🥉gam3rboy $135
🥉tina $123
🥉minhanh0505 $115
🥉markino $110
🥉cyberspace $100
🥉preagony $100
🥉psv1964 $100
🥉mohamed244 $100
🥉innoshi8 $100
🥉marzsik $100
🥉bruyne $100
🥉leilazska $100
🥉sgpr1712 $100
🥉bi4eanko $100
🥉grafiti $100
🥉cryptohyip $100
🥉melanoblasts $100
🥉lenka $99

Top Investors This Quarter

🔥tepmoshop $238964
🥇komissar $210049
🥈mayvis $207333
🥈ansfre $164153
🥈losive $162096
🥈porsche $148595
🥉paulinho $145800
🥉hyip777 $142146
🥉rucker $141126
🥉sou $116102
🥉elizabeth $113100
🥉daewoohh $105165
🥉anton72 $103821
🥉anevskiy $99469
🥉jereajali $92681
🥉gamer $90966
🥉qingshuizhuyu $90811
🥉ssava $82307
🥉polous007 $76432
🥉ttarrass $75020
🥉sament $73431
🥉wythe $72811
🥉rossi $70975
🥉cheng2005 $70708
🥉bzwx $69329
🥉kissmek $66050
🥉hac999 $65633
🥉kuzya $65399
🥉kenken $65203
🥉jekich $64604
🥉grek8310 $58403
🥉adaro25 $56247
🥉murlokot $53214
🥉atom $52952
🥉moneymaker $52409
🥉bruyne $51501
🥉hyipya $50105
🥉gmsam111 $48177
🥉preagony $47946
🥉sspeed $47505
🥉paadzie $45044
🥉summer $44332
🥉rawraw $38784
🥉rk333 $38209
🥉mifos $37467
🥉leiming1983 $35661
🥉xmel $35308
🥉keln $35162
🥉herbert $35122
🥉weohun $33320

Top Investors This Year

🔥sament $8057
🥇tepmoshop $4799
🥈rucker $4657
🥈moneymaker $2972
🥈grek8310 $2642
🥈anevskiy $2437
🥉ttarrass $2205
🥉cometa $1472
🥉mmuert $1450
🥉ncs $1400
🥉cryptocafe $1200
🥉lifeisdifficultmaze $1167
🥉baupaid $1098
🥉herbert $1005
🥉immune $1000
🥉bodi $933
🥉gyergyaiz $900
🥉ssava $890
🥉ternakoin $850
🥉traktorist78 $840
🥉robka $754
🥉rusalka $733
🥉informan01 $715
🥉mikee $700
🥉vera $562
🥉shadjer $532
🥉great $523
🥉kent $512
🥉markino $508
🥉zippoo $500
🥉joainv $500
🥉rovens $490
🥉kuzya $463
🥉moto3 $462
🥉alekstester $420
🥉gongfu $400
🥉olsa $400
🥉mohamed244 $400
🥉zavhozz $400
🥉danay7674 $367
🥉elizabeth1911 $360
🥉kijun10kan $350
🥉motoren $345
🥉melanoblasts $320
🥉gam3rboy $315
🥉eddiepr $310
🥉master $310
🥉xu13xx $302
🥉vipinvestor $300
🥉dfs17 $294

Payment Systems

Warning to All Of Our Visitors !!

For Your Attention, All online investments are extremely risky, investment should be cautious.

You should check what others comment on the programs, is it real paying , does the project pay all investors or only pay small investors & monitors. We don't give practice, all investment decisions are up to you !!!

We are not responsible for solving the problem if the project doesn't pay !!

Your money is yours, you must be responsible for your own profits and losses . Even if you lose money, don't complain to us !!! You've been warned about the hazards !!

Please don't trust any e-mail or Telegram ID that pretends to be from us and contains any kind of advertisement inside. You'd better contact us first to verify this .

Thank you